The results of your bankruptcy case will be part of your credit record for ten (10) years. The ten years are counted from the date you filed your bankruptcy. This does not mean you can’t get a house, a car, a loan,or a credit card for ten years. In fact, you can probably get credit even before your bankruptcy is over! The question is,how much interest and fees will you have to pay? And, can you afford your monthly payments, so you don’t begin a new cycle of painful financial problems? Debts discharged in your bankruptcy should be listed on your credit report as having a zero balance, meaning you do not own anything on the debt.
Debts incorrectly reported as having a balance owed will negatively affect your credit score and make it more difficult to get credit.
You should check your credit report after your bankruptcy discharge and file a dispute with the credit reporting agency if this information is not correct.
The results of your bankruptcy case will be part of your credit record for ten (10) years. The ten years are counted from the date you filed your bankruptcy. This does not mean you can’t get a house, a car, a loan, or a credit card for ten years. In fact, you can probably get credit even before your bankruptcy is over! The question is, how much interest and fees will you have to pay? And, can you afford your monthly payments, so you don’t begin a new cycle of painful financial problems? Debts discharged in your bankruptcy should be listed on your credit report as having a zero balance, meaning you do not own anything on the debt. Debts incorrectly reported as having a balance owed will negatively affect your credit score and make it more difficult to get credit. You should check your credit report after your bankruptcy discharge and file a dispute with the credit reporting agency if this information is not correct.